Creative Director
When outfits are a suddenly a lot more colourful, über-fashionable and outrageous then chances are that it’s that time of the year again when the capital is host to London Fashion Week.
The beautiful and fashion conscious flock from far flung places to be part of the spectacle: of course Fashion Week is as much about the fashionable crowds outside the shows than what’s actually shown on the catwalk. If you couldn’t be there yourself to see and more importantly to be seen, then lucky for you because we’ve got the lowdown and also some photos for you (watch this space for a video to follow shortly!).
We got a fascinating glimpse of Fashion Week, filming behind the scenes and in the middle of the crowds. Whilst those with (and many without) a ticket queue outside the venue, backstage is a hive of activity of a different sort. Picture a mad buzz, lots and lots of makeup products, lit mirrors, hair dryers and brushes, rails of clothes, the smell of nail varnish remover and hair spray, models posing for photographers, last touches being applied to outfits and jewellery, PRs, stylists etc. Last minute panic before the show kicks off is a given.
Meanwhile outside the fashion followers gather – rarely do we encounter a crowd so willing to be filmed! Until the doors open for those lucky few with a ticket, hundreds of photographs are being taken, poses are being held, styles checked out and the latest collections discussed. Just another day at London Fashion Week…
Here is what we’ve learned – the lowdown:
– sleep is virtually unheard of amongst those taking part in fashion week, at least for the days before and during the shows.
– trends for the autumn/winter season 2013 are definitely neon colours, lots of leather and patterned prints
– it takes about 2 months to put a fashion show together
– if you’re sat in front row, you can charge your mobile phone in a little drawer under your seat. Handy.