Video Use In Retail

Eoin Dowdall
Creative Director

We are increasingly exposed to moving image all over the place. On the tube, in the bank, in a restaurant. Video is everywhere – even when we don’t select it ourselves. And increasingly film is being used in a huge variety of highly inventive ways to enhance the retail experience.

We are increasingly exposed to moving image all over the place. On the tube, in the bank, in a restaurant. Video is everywhere – even when we don’t select it ourselves. And increasingly film is being used in a huge variety of highly inventive ways to enhance the retail experience.

Just last week, I had two shopping experiences during which videos, installed in store, have improved my shopping experience, and cleverly distracted me from having to wait for service – which as a Londoner I find even my own usually laid-back core grappling with this ‘I need it an hour ago’ attitude. Instead, in these two instances I found myself pleasantly pulled to the screen instead of checking my watch.

The first experience was at a well known global iTech company (can you guess what it is yet?) So no surprises there – one would expect this particular brand to use an abundance of lifestyle video in their shops – as one of the forefathers of the ‘Retail Experience’. (Their store and product launches so famous they are currently being pastiched in a brilliant TV advert for cider.) But as I waited for my product support appointment, I watched the simple rich media piece being shown in front of me – and I learnt at least three brilliant nuggets of information for touch screen usage and short cuts on my computer. I could have happily sat there a good while longer – despite the fact my appointment started 15 mins late. Moreover, I made mental note to book in for one of those masterclasses they offer…

The second experience- a little less obvious – was in one of the stores of a global jewellery brand. I ducked in to buy a present, and I was running late (as everyone always is in London). Usually I would have got agitated about this, especially watching a well-intended, but painfully meticulous wrapping of box gifts, save for a really interesting film on the making of their signature bracelets. Beautifully shot and a real-behind the scenes look, I watched the video at least 3 times (even without sound)! But happily so.

Video is being used as a key part of creating a merged online/offline shopping experience all over the place. Companies like Intel are real pioneers in shopper interactivity, with some exciting ways of bringing online retail flexibility in store. But even in the simplest use, video can be informative, didactic and highly strategic. A gentle distraction, and a prompt for the shopper to slow down and enjoy the experience (or ignore the queue).

And in my experience this will certainly encourage brand loyalty.

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