Creative Director
Ever been to London Bridge on a weekday morning at rush hour? If you haven’t, we suggest you go – it’s quite a spectacle to witness: thousands and thousands of dark suited city workers emerge from trains, just to stream into their offices across the bridge like a sea of grey suits. We want to stop them, shake them and say ‘wake up please, people. What you need is a bit of Yang Du!’ We wonder how the London-based Chinese designer gets her inspiration, for her collections could not be further away from the drab, grey picture of London commuters. Imagine more colours than a rainbow and definitely more animals than London zoo, shake them together, add a healthy splash of fun and humour and -voila!- you wouldn’t be a million miles off Yang Du’s design. With Paloma Faith and Style Bubble’s Susie Lau amongst her fans, Yang Du is quickly building up her reputation in the fashion world. Just having finished her eighth season at London Fashion Week, we spoke to Yang Du for Global Blue about her designs, inspirations and Yang Du’s role as part of an emerging wave of new Chinese designers.